I departed in April 2017 and haven't been back either in person or virtually! Will never go back. This year was unusual in that I received several memorial invites. I can't go back and have no wish to as...
- JW teachings are capricious.
- Literature and Bible translations are wanting.
- GB and branches encroaching into congregations via media is distasteful
- Local and national govt portrayed as agents of Satan in context of investigating orgs child abuse but as God's minister when investigating others!
- Fraternity conditional upon being acquiescent with BoE decisions and deferential to them as individuals without equivocation
- Branches and GB are being dishonest with Cong's re rationale for sale of KHs.
- BoEs manifest disposition of sentinels / Mutawa, rather than the shepherds which they portray themselves as
- In many respects, the leadership (BoE, branches, and GB) are of low EQ, largely incompetent, and are themselves directly responsible for the departure of most individuals from the org.
- The leadership tends to externalise and thus remain blind to their nihilistic impact upon others.
I would contend that affiliation with the org is detrimental to your mental health and likely your physical health too.